“Creating time to focus on my own goals, dreams, and hobbies seemed to somehow always get placed aside after each passing week. While I had spent the last few years on self-growth and healing my past, it was evident I was still placing my energy into other people and things instead of myself, and my short and long-term goals. Homestead Wellness was the unexpected opportunity that came my way in Fall 2023 and after chatting with Laura, I knew it was the little pick-me-up I would need to refocus my energy and get through the Winter blues. My greatest takeaway from my one-on-one sessions was to pick one hour, from the same day every week to be my focus time. What is usually known as everyone’s worst day of the week…”Mondays” became my go to day every evening at 7pm. Laura’s guidance in navigating my creativity, thoughts, and plans brought new perspectives and understanding that, “timelines and objectives for plans can change,” and most importantly that, “it’s not either or, it’s both and more.” These were my driving factors throughout my 12weeks with Homestead wellness coaching – and while the darkness of procrastination felt like it sometimes trickled in, there was no pressure being placed on me but a reflection as to what was holding me back from completing the next part of my journey. I am very grateful to have met Laura and am looking forward to continuing with Homestead Wellness through other seasonal class offerings and to return to one-on-one coaching each Winter.”
– Reisha
“Working with Laura has been life changing. I lucked into Monday mornings at 9 am which became a great way to start my week! Within no time I found myself clearing the clutter, becoming more aware of my inner thoughts and was actually able to develop the life I’ve literally been daydreaming about. The three goals we made were to quit smoking, build a good daily
routine, and start a new career. Today I am 36 days smoke free and counting, I wake up at 6 am and start my day with yoga and I am currently accepted into college! Having someone help you set obtainable goals weekly and holding you accountable in the softest way is game changing. Within 12 weeks I was able to make those changes happen but not by just dreaming
of it or by paying someone to make my life better. I worked at it, note by note, action after action and I am just so happy I invested in myself and Laura’s program when I did. My only wish is that I did it sooner. She is a wealth of knowledge and gave me the confidence and inspired me to have the life I’ve always wanted. For the first time in a long time I am excited about my future!”
routine, and start a new career. Today I am 36 days smoke free and counting, I wake up at 6 am and start my day with yoga and I am currently accepted into college! Having someone help you set obtainable goals weekly and holding you accountable in the softest way is game changing. Within 12 weeks I was able to make those changes happen but not by just dreaming
of it or by paying someone to make my life better. I worked at it, note by note, action after action and I am just so happy I invested in myself and Laura’s program when I did. My only wish is that I did it sooner. She is a wealth of knowledge and gave me the confidence and inspired me to have the life I’ve always wanted. For the first time in a long time I am excited about my future!”
“Laura of Homestead Wellness and Coaching is quite simply amazing…
Laura guides you in the gentlest way and before long you have made positive life choices that over her 12 week program become new, healthy habits.
She is flexible, thoughtful, trustworthy, non-judgemental, and an exceptionally good listener, nothing escapes her ears, and she remembers what you are saying, all the time!
Laura is not limited to coaching a particular age, she is young but she is wise and worldly and can help people of any age. I’m in my 50’s and she helped me immensely in my journey towards a healthier lifestyle.
Everyone can benefit from a coach, and if we could all have one available to us we would all want a Laura…. I feel blessed that I found her and got this opportunity for personal growth.
Life is always curving and changing and it’s often necessary to get help and guidance along the way. Laura is very good at this and I highly recommend her program to anyone.”
– Valerie

“Before Coaching with Laura, I felt like I had no control over my life and was incredibly stressed and overwhelmed with all the goals I set for my health, career, and finances. The stress had caused a 6 month long psoriasis flare up.
Then Laura taught me that breaking down the larger goals into smaller more attainable goals could help me see the progress I was making on my career and financial goals to help reduce the overwhelming feeling of not being able to achieve these larger distant goals.
The 3 most significant results I’ve experienced from coaching with Laura are that my stress levels are way down. My Psoriasis is now manageable on my own without medication. The flare finally ended and when it comes back it goes away within a week or two now. I can now see my own progress much better and have more faith in my abilities to achieve my larger stretch goals in life.
What I loved most about coaching with Laura was how she was very easy to talk to. I never felt judged about anything I said and felt like she understood where I was coming from and how I was feeling through all of this. She really helped me to open my eyes and see that I am important enough for my own self care and set forth a safe place for me to explore my own possibilities. I am looking forward to continuing my wellness journey with her.”
– Marcy