Forest Therapy

Forest Therapy is a practice that supports health and wellness through guided immersion in forests and other environments to promote the well-being of both people and the land. It is inspired by Shinrin-yoku, the Japanese practice of “Forest Bathing”. In Forest Therapy, people spend time in forested areas to enhance health, wellness and happiness.

In Forest Therapy, people are guided through a clearly defined sequence of invitations to slow down, allow the senses to open, and experience the environment to deepen the reciprocal relationship between participants and the forest. This supports the wholeness and well-being of both entities. These Slow Walks in the Forest can be anywhere from 200 meters to two kilometers long and fit for all ages and physical conditions.


Benefits of Forest Therapy:

– boost immune function, notably an increase in production of Natural Killer, or NK cells (aka lymphocytes, known for their ability to kill tumor cells)

– improves recovery time from illness or surgery

– reduces depression, anxiety, stress, anger and aggression

– improves energy mood, sleep, cognitive function, self-esteem

– reduces symptoms associated with ADHD, trauma, addiction

– increases contentment, gratitude and motivation


Laura is a certified Forest Therapy Guide through the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy. Contact us to request your individual or private group session.