The Only Brownie Recipe You’ll Ever Need

Seriously…it’s that good! We’ve all been there; trying to adjust recipes for yourself, or to cater to friends and family members so no one feels left out at a get together, only to end up with a sandy rock shaped cookie to serve.

Well not any more! The mix of flavors and textures in this nutrient dense brownie make your taste buds do a happy dance. It’s super inclusive, so everyone can enjoy its moist and chewy deliciousness, no dietary restrictions holding you back. The best part? People won’t even know it’s gluten and dairy-free and vegan – it’s a culinary masterpiece that’s totally incognito!


1 can of black beans

2 tbsp cocoa powder

1/2 cup of almond flour

1/4 tsp Himalayan salt

1/3 cup agave (or maple syrup)

1/4 cup MCT oil (or flax/coconut/avocado)

2 tsp vanilla extract

1/2 tsp baking powder

1/3 cup carob chips (or dark chocolate)

Preheat the oven to 350. Wash black beans really well under running water until bubbles are completely gone and drain. Combine all ingredients except carob chips into a food processor and blend until completely smooth. Add 1 tbsp of water if needed. Mixture should still be smooth and very thick. Blend really well. Stir in the chips and then pour into a 8×8 inch pan. Feel free to sprinkle any toppings if desired (shredded coconut, crushed walnuts, pecans, sunflower seeds, etc.).  Cook 15-18 minutes, then let cool in pan on a rack for 15 minutes before cutting. Refrigerating overnight can also make it more firm and easier to cut. Produces 12 servings. Make the moment even more magical and serve with a cup of English Breakfast. Enjoy!